Abstract Submission
Please read the full submission guidelines carefully before submitting.
- Abstracts may be submitted for poster presentation only.
- Abstracts must be submitted online via the Abstract Portal. Abstracts submitted by fax, email, or post will NOT be accepted.
- Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
- Abstract submitted previously to other Symposiums will not be accepted.
- Abstracts must be submitted on or before 30 April 2025. The online submission system will close at 11:59 PM GMT+8 on this day.
- After submitting your abstract, you will receive an email confirmation that your abstract has been received.
- After confirmation of acceptance of the abstract, relevant graphs, images and tables can then be attached for the final e-poster.
- Notifications regarding the status of your abstract will be sent out from 2 May 2025 onwards. Please email abstract@sg-apics.com if you have any questions.
- Instructions for the preparation of poster presentations will be sent together with acceptance notifications.
- The Committee will endeavour to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.
- For each abstract, at least one author is expected to attend the Symposium. Presenting authors must register for the Symposium and complete payment by the registration deadline for inclusion in the scientific programme and for presentation schedule.
- The abstract should be as informative as possible and include the following details:
- Objectives: background and specific objective of the study
- Methods: description of methods used
- Results: summary of results obtained
- Conclusions: conclusions reached
- Abstracts must meet the following specifications:
- Abstract title – Limited to 25 words
- Abstract text – Limited to 300 words
- Abstract topic – Abstracts must be allocated to a specific topic from the Scientific Programme.
- Tables, Graphs and Images – A maximum of 1 each can be included per abstract.
- The total maximum file size (for table/graph/image) to be uploaded is 3MB. You may upload up to 3 files and in JPG or PNG format only.
- Use only standard abbreviations. Special or unusual abbreviations are not recommended. If otherwise necessary, the latter should be placed in parenthesis after the first appearance of the full word.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
- Please note that abstracts must be submitted before the deadline in order to be sent to review for inclusion in the Scientific Programme.
Please take note of the following terms:
- The submitted abstract cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline has closed. The Abstract Submitter understands that it will be published as submitted.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g., Symposium website, programme, and other promotional materials).
- The Abstract Submitter warrants and represents that no part of the information and content provided by him/her (hereafter referred to as the “Content”) to APICS 2025 and Kenes MP Asia (hereafter referred to as the “Organisers”), nor the publication of any such Content by the Organisers, on the internet or otherwise, infringes any third-party rights, including, but not limited to, privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.
- The Abstract Submitter grants the Organisers a copyright license to reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the text of the Content on a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive basis.
- The Abstract Submitter is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.
- The Organisers reserve the right to remove from publication and/or presentation any abstract which does not comply with the above terms.
APICS 2025 Abstract Department
2nd Floor, 20 Kallang Avenue
Pico Creative Centre, Singapore 339411
E-mail: abstract@sg-apics.com
Kenes MP Asia Pte Ltd
Pico Creative Centre, 20 Kallang Avenue, 2nd Floor, Singapore 339411