Pre-Symposium Workshops

11 – 12 August 2025, Monday – Tuesday

Workshop Title Practical Intermediate Echocardiography for Critical Care
Date 11 – 12 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1700hrs
Venue Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Introduction PIE is a transthoracic Doppler echocardiography course targeting at more experienced or advanced practitioners. This course is particularly useful to:

  • Practitioners who are already performing basic level echo but would like to advance their skills and apply Doppler echo in their daily examination.
  • Practitioners who are already performing Doppler echo but want to perfect their Doppler skills or want to learn more about principles of assessments in Doppler measurements.

The course objective is to equip practitioners with the skills to properly assess cardiac function and haemodynamics in patients who are critically ill. There is a well balance of didactic lectures and hands-on practice in this course, and aims to fill the “gap” between basic and advanced critical care echo.

Course Content The course covers basic principles and clinical topics, with an emphasis on Doppler assessments.

Topics* may include:

Basic principles:

  • Revisiting Anatomy and Views in TTE: Probe Navigation
  • Principles of Doppler
  • Cardiac Output Measurement
  • Pulmonary Artery Pressure Estimation
  • Mean Pressure Gradient and Pressure Half-time
  • LV Filling Pressures Inference
  • Dynamic Outflow Obstructions

Clinical topics or cases:

  • Shock
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Valvular Assessments for Critical Care

*Note that not all topics are offered due to time limitation. Suitable topics will be decided by the local organiser in discussion with the PIE team.

Prerequisites for PIE While there are no formal prerequisites, participants who have attended a basic level echo course, e.g. RACEplus, and have performed at least 30 basic level TTE studies (or are comfortable to obtain all the basic TTE views), would benefit the most from the course.
Participants Number 25
Faculty Dr Chew Si Yuan Dr Rita Ibrahim
Dr Fong Wee Kim Dr Sandra Hui
Dr Lau Yie Hui Dr Stephen Huang
Registration Details Click here to register.

12 August 2025, Tuesday

Workshop Title Paediatric Airway Workshop, Singapore (PAWS)
Date 12 August 2025
Time 0815 – 1600hrs
Venue KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Simulation Center, Singapore
Format Short lectures followed by hands-on sessions and simulation
Introduction Airway management in children can be challenging and intimidating even in the hands of an experienced anesthesiologist. The Paediatric Airway Workshop is designed by a team from KKH Paediatric Anesthesiology and Children’s Intensive Care Unit to build on basic airway strategies and teach advanced airway skills that are essential to ensure safe and successful outcomes. Participants who may benefit from this workshop include emergency physicians, paediatricians, intensivists, anesthesiologists and nurses. We hope to achieve the objectives of this course via short lectures and small group discussion by our team of airway experts.
Objectives 1. Recognise features of a difficult airway, both anatomically and physiologically.

2. Know how to optimise intubation safety.

3. Become familiar with the Paediatric Difficult Airway algorithm.

4. Recognise complications associated with airway interventions and be able to mitigate or respond appropriately.

5. Demonstrate the ability to secure the airway using surgical methods (FONA) when direct/videolaryngoscopy methods fail.

6. Demonstrate team leadership and teamwork in a difficult airway scenario.

Target Participants Paediatricians, Emergency Physicians, Intensivists, Anestheiologists
Participants Number 25
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Josephine Tan
Faculty Dr Cheryl Lin Dr Gene Ong
Dr Evangeline Lim Dr Jong Juin Yee
Cost per pax Trainees/Residents

SGD 600 – Early Bird Registration
SGD 700 – On-site Registration


SGD 700 – Early Bird Registration
SGD 800 – On-site Registration

13 August 2025, Wednesday

Workshop Title Chronic Ventilation Workshop
Date 13 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1800hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 203 – 204
Format Didactic with hands-on practical sessions
Introduction This full-day workshop will highlight the differences between acute and chronic ventilation in paediatric and adult populations, the transdisciplinary coordination required to manage each unique Ventilator–Assisted Individual (VAI), ventilator weaning in specific conditions, adjunct therapies and the social/ethical considerations considered in VAI.
Objectives The Chronic Ventilation Workshop, through a combination of didactic and practical sessions, aims to:

  • Explain the differences between acute and chronic ventilation, and multidisciplinary coordination of roles in managing a patient transitioning to chronic ventilation.
  • Elaborate on how to assess suitability for ventilator rehabilitation at the Ventilator Rehabilitation Unit (VRU), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, with nursing and allied health input.
  • Demonstrate proper early tracheostomy care, secretion clearance techniques, adjunct therapies such as cough assist, and communication techniques such as leak speech and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
  • Transitioning complex patients in paediatrics to adulthood.
  • Discuss ventilator weaning and decannulation in specific conditions including Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Guillain – Barre syndrome, and Critical Illness myopathy.
  • Financial, ethical and social considerations in paediatric ventilated patients and adult ventilated patients.
Target Participants All Doctors, Nurses, and Allied Health Therapists with a keen interest to get an in-depth look at initiation, management, and discharge planning of individuals requiring Chronic Ventilation.
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Valerie Ng and Dr Debra Seow
Faculty Dr Chan Yeow Ms Melinda Lim
Ms Cheryl Tan Dr Thong Wen Yi
Dr Cristelle Chow
Cost per pax SGD 50 – Physicians
SGD 30 – Allied Health Therapists
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

MedwoRx International

MedwoRx International Singapore (2008) is a professional Sleep and Respiratory Care Company that was conceptualised to achieve an essential goal. “To make a positive contribution towards the improvement of quality healthcare by promoting innovative products and services.” It was incorporated by exceptionally qualified personnel with more than 30 years of experience in the medical industry and with backgrounds in the allied healthcare (Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Sleep Technologists) field. MedwoRx has evolved and expanded to become a healthcare provider in Southeast Asia.

In June 13, 2023, a French company SOS Oxygene’ with major international network presence has acquired shares which accelerated MedwoRx to become a Global company bridging the gap between the innovative health care practices of the east and the west.

For more information, visit

Workshop Title Critical Care Ultrasound (CCUS) Workshop
Date 13 August 2025
Time 0830 – 1645hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 201 – 202
Introduction This is an introductory 1-day course on Critical Care Ultrasound (CCUS) comprising modules on Lung/Diaphragm Ultrasound, Lower Extremity DVT/Arterial Point of Care Ultrasound, Abdominal / FAST Ultrasound, Venous Excess Score (VEXUS) and Focused Cardiac Ultrasound which will be taught according to the FUSIC curriculum. Participants can register for individual modules.
Objectives To learn how to perform the following CCUS scans:

  1. Lung and Diaphragm Ultrasound Module (1 hour)
  2. Lower extremity DVT and arterial point of care ultrasound Module (50 mins)
  3. Abdominal Ultrasound Module comprising FAST – focused ultrasonography in trauma, renal and abdominal aorta imaging (1 hour)
  4. Venous Excess Score (VExUS) Module (55mins)
  5. Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Module (1 hour 15mins)
  6. Putting it all together – Applying CCUS in Shock, Respiratory Failure and Weaning from respiratory failure (Lecture) (30mins)
Target Participants Novices with little or no prior training in CCUS. The course is open to Junior Physicians, Nursing, Allied Professionals.
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Chew Si Yuan
Faculty Dr Adrian Wong Dr Suneel Ramesh Desai
Dr Choo Wee Sen Dr Sandra Hui
Dr Lau Yie Hui Dr Tan Rou An
Dr Ng Lit Soo Ms Wang Xiqin
Dr Peh Wee Ming
Cost per pax SGD 25 per module
SGD 100 for all modules
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

Course Schedule

Time Agenda Duration Speaker
0830 – 0840 Introduction to learning CCUS and FUSIC 10mins
0840 – 0855 Introduction to Ultrasound & Knobology (Lecture) 15mins Dr Chew Si Yuan
0855 – 0915 Lung and Diaphragm Ultrasound (Lecture) 20mins Dr Chew Si Yuan
0915 – 0955 Lung Ultrasound (Hands-on)

  1. First Station: Lung US (pathological case discussions via powerpoint slides will be provided to instructors) (20mins)
  2. Second Station: Diaphragm US (20mins)
40mins All Faculty
0955 – 1000 Break
1000 – 1020 Lower Extremity Vascular POCUS Lecture 20mins Dr Tan Rou An and Dr Peh Wee Ming
1020 – 1050 Lower Extremity Vascular (Hands-on)

  1. Part 1: US Lower Extremity DVT (5 point DVT POCUS) (15mins)
  2. Part 2: US Lower Extremity Arterial scan (Femoral Artery, Popliteal Artery, Dorsalis pedis) (15mins)
30mins All Faculty
1050 – 1100 Break
1100 – 1120 Abdomen / FAST Ultrasound (Lecture) 20mins Dr Adrian Wong
1120 – 1200 Abdomen / FAST Ultrasound (Hands-on)

  1. First station: FAST scan (15mins)
  2. Second station: Renal and bladder scan (15mins)
  3. Third station: Abdominal Aorta (10mins)
40mins All Faculty
1200 – 1300 Lunch Break for participants
1300 – 1315 VEXUS (Lecture) 15mins Dr Adrian Wong
1315 – 1355 VEXUS (Hands-on)

  1. First station: IVC Subcostal (10mins)
  2. Second station: Portal Vein and Hepatic vein doppler (15 mins)
  3. Third station: Renal doppler (15mins)
40mins All Faculty
1355 – 1400 Break
1400 – 1445 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (Lecture) 45mins Dr  Suneel
1445 – 1600 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (Hands on)

  1. First station: PLAX view (20mins)
  2. Second station: PSAX view (20mins)
  3. Third station: Subcostal view (20mins)
  4. Fourth station: Apical 4 chamber view (20mins)
  5. Fifth station: Pathology case discussion (10mins): Pericardial Tamponade, Cardiogenic Shock, Right Heart Failure
1600 – 1630 Putting it all together – Applying CCUS in Shock, Respiratory Failure and Weaning from respiratory failure (Lecture) 30mins Dr  Chew Si Yuan
1630 – 1645 Closing remarks, Question and Answer, Feedback 15mins Dr Chew Si Yuan

Workshop Title Airway Management Workshop
Date 13 August 2025
Time 0830 – 1315hrs
Venue Centre for Advanced Clinical and Surgical Skills (CACS), Changi General Hospital, Singapore
Course Content • Needle and Surgical Cricothyroidotomy on Porcine Tracheas
• The Challenging Airway
• Low Skill Fibreoptic Intubation
• Emergency Oxygenation Techniques (via needle cannula cricothyroidotomy)
• Lung Isolation Techniques
• VR Bronchoscopy
• Airway and Gastric Ultrasound
Programme Proposed stations and timing

Wet Stations

Station 1 (30mins)
Needle cricothyroidotomy with porcine trachea and conversion to cuffed emergency cricothyrotomy (Melker)

Station 2 (30mins)
Scalpel bougie cricothyroidotomy with porcine trachea

Station 3 (30mins)
Percutaneous tracheostomy with porcine trachea

Dry Stations

Station 4 (30mins)
Oxygenation techniques via needle cricothyroidotomy i.e. rapid O2, makeshift oxygenation techniques

Station 5 (30mins)
Airway and gastric ultrasound

Station 6 (30mins)
VR bronchoscopy (OrSIM)
– normal airway/lung anatomy
– various disease processes

Station 7 (30 mins)
Lung Isolation (DLT and ardnt)

*The above timings are proposed timings and are subject to change depending on whether it is a morning or afternoon session.

Participants Number 30
Faculty Coming soon
Cost per pax SGD 288 – Early Bird Fee (Before 31 May 2025)
SGD 388 – Regular Rate (1 June 2025 Onwards)
Registration Details This workshop is available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

13 – 14 August 2025, Wednesday – Thursday

Workshop Title Intensive Care Nephrology Workshop – Beyond BASIC Nephrology

Jointly developed by the BASIC collaboration (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)

Date 13 – 14 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1700hrs
Venue Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore
Format The 2-full day course consists of distance learning material, face-to-face lectures, and small group tutorials/skill stations.
Introduction Intensive Care Nephrology workshop is suitable as a refresher for Intensive Care specialists and senior trainees in ICM/ Respiratory Medicine/ Renal medicine.

Participants can expect to complete the course with a thorough knowledge of conditions causing AKI, strategies for prevention and detection, supportive and disease specific therapies and renal replacement strategies and troubleshooting. They will be able to then deploy this knowledge in general, acute care and critical care areas.

Objectives • Applied Renal Physiology

• Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Injury

• Acute Kidney Injury: Causes, Pathophysiology and Management

• Acute Kidney Injury and Sepsis

• Rhabdomyolysis

• AKI and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

• Urinary Tract Infections

• Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

• Intermittent Haemodialysis and SLEDD

• Peritoneal Dialysis

• Drug Dosing in Renal Failure

Target Participants Intensive Care Specialists and Senior Trainees in ICM/ Respiratory Medicine/ Renal medicine
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Amit Kansal
Faculty Dr Gordon Choi
Cost per pax SGD 400 – APICS Delegates
SGD 450 – Non-APICS Delegates
Registration Details This workshop is available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

14 August 2025, Thursday

Workshop Title BASIC Transthoracic Echocardiography Workshop
Date 14 August 2025
Time 0800 – 1730hrs
Venue Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Introduction This workshop accredited by The College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM) consists of online pre-course Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and interactive lectures on-site, practical skill stations and post-course MCQs. The electronic course manual can be downloaded as an App to conventional electronic media prior to the workshop.
Objectives The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a basic understanding of critical care echocardiography.

Topics include:

1. Indications of Transthoracic Echocardiography

2. Principles of Ultrasound Imaging

3. Basic Controls (Knobology)

4. Image Acquisition

5. Left Heart Assessment

6. Right Heart Assessment

7. Pericardial Disease

8. Haemodynamic Assessment

9. Artefacts

Participants Number 36
Lead Faculty (Local) Coming soon
Faculty Coming soon
Registration Details Click here to register.
Workshop Title Mastering Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV): Interdisciplinary Strategies for Weaning and Hospital-to-Community Transition
Date 14 August 2025
Time 0800 – 1800hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 201 – 202
Format Workshop (didactic lectures and skills stations)
Introduction This workshop is designed for intensive care professionals focused on ventilator weaning, respiratory muscle assessment and the management of Chronic Respiratory Failure. As ICU patients increasingly present with complex respiratory needs, optimising both acute and long-term ventilation strategies is critical to improving patient outcomes and facilitating the transition from hospital to home.

Through four key themes – Acute Ventilation, Chronic Non-Invasive Ventilation, Respiratory Management of Neuromuscular Diseases, and the Interdisciplinary Approach to Chronic Respiratory Failure – participants will explore evidence-based strategies for assessing and managing respiratory muscle weakness and utilising Chronic Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) in supporting patients with Chronic Respiratory Failure post-ICU, reducing hospital readmissions, and enhancing quality of life.

Hands-on skills stations will provide practical training in respiratory muscle evaluation, advanced airway clearance techniques, NIV and mouthpiece ventilation setup, titration and troubleshooting. This interactive and interdisciplinary learning experience will equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to optimise patient care beyond the ICU.

Objectives By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Profile the Difficult-to-Wean patient in the ICU
2. Optimise Ventilator Weaning Strategies
3. Utilise Non-Invasive Ventilatory Strategies to liberate patients from Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Tracheostomy
4. Evaluate and manage Respiratory Muscle Weakness
5. Implement an interdisciplinary approach to Chronic Respiratory Failure
Target Participants Healthcare Professionals including Physicians, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, and Physiotherapists, who are dedicated to advancing their expertise in ventilator weaning and non-invasive ventilation.
Participants Number 20 – 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Chai Hui Zhong
Faculty Dr Chan Yeow Dr Ong Eng Koon
Ms Faridah Hanim Binte Shamsuddin Dr Ong Thun How
Dr Genevieve Tan Dr Soh Rui Ya
Dr Guadalupe Cara Viegelmann Ms Song Pei Rong
Ms Huang Ching-Feng Dr Tan Yi Hua
Dr Jocelyn Lim Yi Xiu Ms Tieh Suat Kee
Ms Julienne Marie Lazaro Cabel Dr Timothy Toh
Dr Leow Leong Chai Mr Vimal Palanichamy
Dr Ng Lit Soo Ms Winnie Chong
Ms Nur Izzianie Bte Kamaruddin Dr Yong Ming Hui
Ms Nurul Aini Binte Bari Ms Zeng Yanyin
Cost per pax SGD 50 – Physicians
SGD 30 – Allied Health
SGD 20 – Students
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

Lowenstein Medical

The willingness to provide service, a pronounced customer proximity, and innovative strength in the development of new medical technologies are the decisive factors that have made Lowenstein Medical a leading medical technology company.

Lowenstein Medical is considered a pioneer and market leader for medical products in the hospital, homecare, and diagnostic sectors. Innovative technology, ergonomic design, and creative user interfaces characterize high-end systems and enable optimal support for the user in every situation. The success of “Made in Germany” products is based on excellent ideas, many years of experience, foresight, and innovation.

Since Reinhard Lowenstein joined the company in 1986, their core competence has been in the field of neonatology. Today’s core competencies were developed from our expertise and knowledge of neonatology.

In the Hospital division, Lowenstein Medical offers ventilation solutions specifically for newborns, anesthesia equipment, and intensive care ventilators for adults as well as children.

In addition, the Homecare division was developed, which equips patients with supplies who require medical aids in their home environment.

These aids are mainly used for the treatment of lung diseases or sleep-related respiratory disorders.

The third and final division is Diagnostics, which aims to develop and market innovative products for the diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders.

Lowenstein Medical is there for you, from the initial diagnosis to hospitalization to surgery or, homecare. Our focus is on service – in all areas.

You can find more information about the company and its products at:

Workshop Title ICU Mastery: Integrating New Insights into Intensive Care Practice
Date 14 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1800hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 203 – 204
Format This advanced review course will combine didactic lectures, case-based discussions, and interactive simulations to ensure active learning and practical application of critical care concepts.
Introduction The ever-evolving field of Critical Care Medicine requires continuous updates and refinement of clinical skills. This full-day ICU Review Course has been meticulously designed to bridge the knowledge gap, prepare fellows for certification exams, and enhance day-to-day ICU management capabilities. We will explore key topics in mechanical ventilation, trauma management, hemodynamic, neurocritical care, sepsis management, and critical care organisation, among others, through a combination of expert-led lectures, case discussions, and interactive simulations.
Objectives Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Master Key Ventilatory Strategies:
    • Optimise mechanical ventilation in patients with unique characteristics.
    • Identify and manage ventilator-associated complications and troubleshoot common issues, including patient ventilator asynchronies.
  2. Enhance Trauma Management Skills:
    • Develop a systematic approach to managing trauma-induced shock and head injuries.
    • Achieve a better understand on management of trauma related coagulopathy.
  3. Refine Hemodynamic Monitoring and Management:
    • Implement advanced techniques for hemodynamic monitoring, including the use of pulmonary artery catheters, echo-guided therapy, and dynamic parameters.
    • Optimise the use of mechanical circulatory devices in shock and managing common complications with these devices.
  4. Strengthen Neurocritical Care Knowledge:
    • Provide evidence-based management of patients with acute neurological emergencies (e.g., ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury).
    • Understand advanced monitoring techniques in neurocritical care.
  5. Master Sepsis Management:
    • Apply the latest guidelines and best practices for sepsis bundle implementation, including antimicrobial stewardship.
  6. Critically Appraise ICU Organisation and Workflow:
    • Optimise ICU team management, including communication and leadership.
    • Develop protocols for efficient ICU rounds and patient flow
Target Participants
  • Critical Care Fellows seeking certification or advancement in intensive care medicine
  • Senior Residents in Anesthesiology, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Surgery and Internal Medicine
  • Advanced Practitioner Nurses or Critical Care Nurses looking for advanced insights into complex care scenarios
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Sewa Duu Wen
Cost per pax SGD 100 – Physicians
SGD 50 – Allied Health
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

11 – 12 August 2025, Monday – Tuesday

Workshop Title Practical Intermediate Echocardiography for Critical Care
Date 11 – 12 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1700hrs
Venue Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Introduction PIE is a transthoracic Doppler echocardiography course targeting at more experienced or advanced practitioners. This course is particularly useful to:

  • Practitioners who are already performing basic level echo but would like to advance their skills and apply Doppler echo in their daily examination.
  • Practitioners who are already performing Doppler echo but want to perfect their Doppler skills or want to learn more about principles of assessments in Doppler measurements.

The course objective is to equip practitioners with the skills to properly assess cardiac function and haemodynamics in patients who are critically ill. There is a well balance of didactic lectures and hands-on practice in this course, and aims to fill the “gap” between basic and advanced critical care echo.

Course Content The course covers basic principles and clinical topics, with an emphasis on Doppler assessments.

Topics* may include:

Basic principles:

  • Revisiting Anatomy and Views in TTE: Probe Navigation
  • Principles of Doppler
  • Cardiac Output Measurement
  • Pulmonary Artery Pressure Estimation
  • Mean Pressure Gradient and Pressure Half-time
  • LV Filling Pressures Inference
  • Dynamic Outflow Obstructions

Clinical topics or cases:

  • Shock
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Valvular Assessments for Critical Care

*Note that not all topics are offered due to time limitation. Suitable topics will be decided by the local organiser in discussion with the PIE team.

Prerequisites for PIE While there are no formal prerequisites, participants who have attended a basic level echo course, e.g. RACEplus, and have performed at least 30 basic level TTE studies (or are comfortable to obtain all the basic TTE views), would benefit the most from the course.
Participants Number 25
Faculty Dr Chew Si Yuan Dr Rita Ibrahim
Dr Fong Wee Kim Dr Sandra Hui
Dr Lau Yie Hui Dr Stephen Huang
Registration Details Click here to register.

12 August 2025, Tuesday

Workshop Title Paediatric Airway Workshop, Singapore (PAWS)
Date 12 August 2025
Time 0815 – 1600hrs
Venue KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Simulation Center, Singapore
Format Short lectures followed by hands-on sessions and simulation
Introduction Airway management in children can be challenging and intimidating even in the hands of an experienced anesthesiologist. The Paediatric Airway Workshop is designed by a team from KKH Paediatric Anesthesiology and Children’s Intensive Care Unit to build on basic airway strategies and teach advanced airway skills that are essential to ensure safe and successful outcomes. Participants who may benefit from this workshop include emergency physicians, paediatricians, intensivists, anesthesiologists and nurses. We hope to achieve the objectives of this course via short lectures and small group discussion by our team of airway experts.
Objectives 1. Recognise features of a difficult airway, both anatomically and physiologically.

2. Know how to optimise intubation safety.

3. Become familiar with the Paediatric Difficult Airway algorithm.

4. Recognise complications associated with airway interventions and be able to mitigate or respond appropriately.

5. Demonstrate the ability to secure the airway using surgical methods (FONA) when direct/videolaryngoscopy methods fail.

6. Demonstrate team leadership and teamwork in a difficult airway scenario.

Target Participants Paediatricians, Emergency Physicians, Intensivists, Anestheiologists
Participants Number 25
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Josephine Tan
Faculty Dr Cheryl Lin Dr Gene Ong
Dr Evangeline Lim Dr Jong Juin Yee
Cost per pax Trainees/Residents

SGD 600 – Early Bird Registration
SGD 700 – On-site Registration


SGD 700 – Early Bird Registration
SGD 800 – On-site Registration

13 August 2025, Wednesday

Workshop Title Chronic Ventilation Workshop
Date 13 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1800hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 203 – 204
Format Didactic with hands-on practical sessions
Introduction This full-day workshop will highlight the differences between acute and chronic ventilation in paediatric and adult populations, the transdisciplinary coordination required to manage each unique Ventilator–Assisted Individual (VAI), ventilator weaning in specific conditions, adjunct therapies and the social/ethical considerations considered in VAI.
Objectives The Chronic Ventilation Workshop, through a combination of didactic and practical sessions, aims to:

  • Explain the differences between acute and chronic ventilation, and multidisciplinary coordination of roles in managing a patient transitioning to chronic ventilation.
  • Elaborate on how to assess suitability for ventilator rehabilitation at the Ventilator Rehabilitation Unit (VRU), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, with nursing and allied health input.
  • Demonstrate proper early tracheostomy care, secretion clearance techniques, adjunct therapies such as cough assist, and communication techniques such as leak speech and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
  • Transitioning complex patients in paediatrics to adulthood.
  • Discuss ventilator weaning and decannulation in specific conditions including Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Guillain – Barre syndrome, and Critical Illness myopathy.
  • Financial, ethical and social considerations in paediatric ventilated patients and adult ventilated patients.
Target Participants All Doctors, Nurses, and Allied Health Therapists with a keen interest to get an in-depth look at initiation, management, and discharge planning of individuals requiring Chronic Ventilation.
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Valerie Ng and Dr Debra Seow
Faculty Dr Chan Yeow Ms Melinda Lim
Ms Cheryl Tan Dr Thong Wen Yi
Dr Cristelle Chow
Cost per pax SGD 50 – Physicians
SGD 30 – Allied Health Therapists
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

MedwoRx International

MedwoRx International Singapore (2008) is a professional Sleep and Respiratory Care Company that was conceptualised to achieve an essential goal. “To make a positive contribution towards the improvement of quality healthcare by promoting innovative products and services.” It was incorporated by exceptionally qualified personnel with more than 30 years of experience in the medical industry and with backgrounds in the allied healthcare (Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Sleep Technologists) field. MedwoRx has evolved and expanded to become a healthcare provider in Southeast Asia.

In June 13, 2023, a French company SOS Oxygene’ with major international network presence has acquired shares which accelerated MedwoRx to become a Global company bridging the gap between the innovative health care practices of the east and the west.

For more information, visit

Workshop Title Critical Care Ultrasound (CCUS) Workshop
Date 13 August 2025
Time 0830 – 1645hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 201 – 202
Introduction This is an introductory 1-day course on Critical Care Ultrasound (CCUS) comprising modules on Lung/Diaphragm Ultrasound, Lower Extremity DVT/Arterial Point of Care Ultrasound, Abdominal / FAST Ultrasound, Venous Excess Score (VEXUS) and Focused Cardiac Ultrasound which will be taught according to the FUSIC curriculum. Participants can register for individual modules.
Objectives To learn how to perform the following CCUS scans:

  1. Lung and Diaphragm Ultrasound Module (1 hour)
  2. Lower extremity DVT and arterial point of care ultrasound Module (50 mins)
  3. Abdominal Ultrasound Module comprising FAST – focused ultrasonography in trauma, renal and abdominal aorta imaging (1 hour)
  4. Venous Excess Score (VExUS) Module (55mins)
  5. Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Module (1 hour 15mins)
  6. Putting it all together – Applying CCUS in Shock, Respiratory Failure and Weaning from respiratory failure (Lecture) (30mins)
Target Participants Novices with little or no prior training in CCUS. The course is open to Junior Physicians, Nursing, Allied Professionals.
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Chew Si Yuan
Faculty Dr Adrian Wong Dr Suneel Ramesh Desai
Dr Choo Wee Sen Dr Sandra Hui
Dr Lau Yie Hui Dr Tan Rou An
Dr Ng Lit Soo Ms Wang Xiqin
Dr Peh Wee Ming
Cost per pax SGD 25 per module
SGD 100 for all modules
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

Course Schedule

Time Agenda Duration Speaker
0830 – 0840 Introduction to learning CCUS and FUSIC 10mins
0840 – 0855 Introduction to Ultrasound & Knobology (Lecture) 15mins Dr Chew Si Yuan
0855 – 0915 Lung and Diaphragm Ultrasound (Lecture) 20mins Dr Chew Si Yuan
0915 – 0955 Lung Ultrasound (Hands-on)

  1. First Station: Lung US (pathological case discussions via powerpoint slides will be provided to instructors) (20mins)
  2. Second Station: Diaphragm US (20mins)
40mins All Faculty
0955 – 1000 Break
1000 – 1020 Lower Extremity Vascular POCUS Lecture 20mins Dr Tan Rou An and Dr Peh Wee Ming
1020 – 1050 Lower Extremity Vascular (Hands-on)

  1. Part 1: US Lower Extremity DVT (5 point DVT POCUS) (15mins)
  2. Part 2: US Lower Extremity Arterial scan (Femoral Artery, Popliteal Artery, Dorsalis pedis) (15mins)
30mins All Faculty
1050 – 1100 Break
1100 – 1120 Abdomen / FAST Ultrasound (Lecture) 20mins Dr Adrian Wong
1120 – 1200 Abdomen / FAST Ultrasound (Hands-on)

  1. First station: FAST scan (15mins)
  2. Second station: Renal and bladder scan (15mins)
  3. Third station: Abdominal Aorta (10mins)
40mins All Faculty
1200 – 1300 Lunch Break for participants
1300 – 1315 VEXUS (Lecture) 15mins Dr Adrian Wong
1315 – 1355 VEXUS (Hands-on)

  1. First station: IVC Subcostal (10mins)
  2. Second station: Portal Vein and Hepatic vein doppler (15 mins)
  3. Third station: Renal doppler (15mins)
40mins All Faculty
1355 – 1400 Break
1400 – 1445 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (Lecture) 45mins Dr  Suneel
1445 – 1600 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (Hands on)

  1. First station: PLAX view (20mins)
  2. Second station: PSAX view (20mins)
  3. Third station: Subcostal view (20mins)
  4. Fourth station: Apical 4 chamber view (20mins)
  5. Fifth station: Pathology case discussion (10mins): Pericardial Tamponade, Cardiogenic Shock, Right Heart Failure
1600 – 1630 Putting it all together – Applying CCUS in Shock, Respiratory Failure and Weaning from respiratory failure (Lecture) 30mins Dr  Chew Si Yuan
1630 – 1645 Closing remarks, Question and Answer, Feedback 15mins Dr Chew Si Yuan

Workshop Title Airway Management Workshop
Date 13 August 2025
Time 0830 – 1315hrs
Venue Centre for Advanced Clinical and Surgical Skills (CACS), Changi General Hospital, Singapore
Course Content • Needle and Surgical Cricothyroidotomy on Porcine Tracheas
• The Challenging Airway
• Low Skill Fibreoptic Intubation
• Emergency Oxygenation Techniques (via needle cannula cricothyroidotomy)
• Lung Isolation Techniques
• VR Bronchoscopy
• Airway and Gastric Ultrasound
Programme Proposed stations and timing

Wet Stations

Station 1 (30mins)
Needle cricothyroidotomy with porcine trachea and conversion to cuffed emergency cricothyrotomy (Melker)

Station 2 (30mins)
Scalpel bougie cricothyroidotomy with porcine trachea

Station 3 (30mins)
Percutaneous tracheostomy with porcine trachea

Dry Stations

Station 4 (30mins)
Oxygenation techniques via needle cricothyroidotomy i.e. rapid O2, makeshift oxygenation techniques

Station 5 (30mins)
Airway and gastric ultrasound

Station 6 (30mins)
VR bronchoscopy (OrSIM)
– normal airway/lung anatomy
– various disease processes

Station 7 (30 mins)
Lung Isolation (DLT and ardnt)

*The above timings are proposed timings and are subject to change depending on whether it is a morning or afternoon session.

Participants Number 30
Faculty Coming soon
Cost per pax SGD 288 – Early Bird Fee (Before 31 May 2025)
SGD 388 – Regular Rate (1 June 2025 Onwards)
Registration Details This workshop is available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

13 – 14 August 2025, Wednesday – Thursday

Workshop Title Intensive Care Nephrology Workshop – Beyond BASIC Nephrology

Jointly developed by the BASIC collaboration (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)

Date 13 – 14 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1700hrs
Venue Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore
Format The 2-full day course consists of distance learning material, face-to-face lectures, and small group tutorials/skill stations.
Introduction Intensive Care Nephrology workshop is suitable as a refresher for Intensive Care specialists and senior trainees in ICM/ Respiratory Medicine/ Renal medicine.

Participants can expect to complete the course with a thorough knowledge of conditions causing AKI, strategies for prevention and detection, supportive and disease specific therapies and renal replacement strategies and troubleshooting. They will be able to then deploy this knowledge in general, acute care and critical care areas.

Objectives • Applied Renal Physiology

• Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Injury

• Acute Kidney Injury: Causes, Pathophysiology and Management

• Acute Kidney Injury and Sepsis

• Rhabdomyolysis

• AKI and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

• Urinary Tract Infections

• Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

• Intermittent Haemodialysis and SLEDD

• Peritoneal Dialysis

• Drug Dosing in Renal Failure

Target Participants Intensive Care Specialists and Senior Trainees in ICM/ Respiratory Medicine/ Renal medicine
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Amit Kansal
Faculty Dr Gordon Choi
Cost per pax SGD 400 – APICS Delegates
SGD 450 – Non-APICS Delegates
Registration Details This workshop is available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

14 August 2025, Thursday

Workshop Title BASIC Transthoracic Echocardiography Workshop
Date 14 August 2025
Time 0800 – 1730hrs
Venue Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Introduction This workshop accredited by The College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM) consists of online pre-course Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and interactive lectures on-site, practical skill stations and post-course MCQs. The electronic course manual can be downloaded as an App to conventional electronic media prior to the workshop.
Objectives The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a basic understanding of critical care echocardiography.

Topics include:

1. Indications of Transthoracic Echocardiography

2. Principles of Ultrasound Imaging

3. Basic Controls (Knobology)

4. Image Acquisition

5. Left Heart Assessment

6. Right Heart Assessment

7. Pericardial Disease

8. Haemodynamic Assessment

9. Artefacts

Participants Number 36
Lead Faculty (Local) Coming soon
Faculty Coming soon
Registration Details Click here to register.
Workshop Title Mastering Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV): Interdisciplinary Strategies for Weaning and Hospital-to-Community Transition
Date 14 August 2025
Time 0800 – 1800hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 201 – 202
Format Workshop (didactic lectures and skills stations)
Introduction This workshop is designed for intensive care professionals focused on ventilator weaning, respiratory muscle assessment and the management of Chronic Respiratory Failure. As ICU patients increasingly present with complex respiratory needs, optimising both acute and long-term ventilation strategies is critical to improving patient outcomes and facilitating the transition from hospital to home.

Through four key themes – Acute Ventilation, Chronic Non-Invasive Ventilation, Respiratory Management of Neuromuscular Diseases, and the Interdisciplinary Approach to Chronic Respiratory Failure – participants will explore evidence-based strategies for assessing and managing respiratory muscle weakness and utilising Chronic Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) in supporting patients with Chronic Respiratory Failure post-ICU, reducing hospital readmissions, and enhancing quality of life.

Hands-on skills stations will provide practical training in respiratory muscle evaluation, advanced airway clearance techniques, NIV and mouthpiece ventilation setup, titration and troubleshooting. This interactive and interdisciplinary learning experience will equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to optimise patient care beyond the ICU.

Objectives By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Profile the Difficult-to-Wean patient in the ICU
2. Optimise Ventilator Weaning Strategies
3. Utilise Non-Invasive Ventilatory Strategies to liberate patients from Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Tracheostomy
4. Evaluate and manage Respiratory Muscle Weakness
5. Implement an interdisciplinary approach to Chronic Respiratory Failure
Target Participants Healthcare Professionals including Physicians, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, and Physiotherapists, who are dedicated to advancing their expertise in ventilator weaning and non-invasive ventilation.
Participants Number 20 – 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Chai Hui Zhong
Faculty Dr Chan Yeow Dr Ong Eng Koon
Ms Faridah Hanim Binte Shamsuddin Dr Ong Thun How
Dr Genevieve Tan Dr Soh Rui Ya
Dr Guadalupe Cara Viegelmann Ms Song Pei Rong
Ms Huang Ching-Feng Dr Tan Yi Hua
Dr Jocelyn Lim Yi Xiu Ms Tieh Suat Kee
Ms Julienne Marie Lazaro Cabel Dr Timothy Toh
Dr Leow Leong Chai Mr Vimal Palanichamy
Dr Ng Lit Soo Ms Winnie Chong
Ms Nur Izzianie Bte Kamaruddin Dr Yong Ming Hui
Ms Nurul Aini Binte Bari Ms Zeng Yanyin
Cost per pax SGD 50 – Physicians
SGD 30 – Allied Health
SGD 20 – Students
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

Lowenstein Medical

The willingness to provide service, a pronounced customer proximity, and innovative strength in the development of new medical technologies are the decisive factors that have made Lowenstein Medical a leading medical technology company.

Lowenstein Medical is considered a pioneer and market leader for medical products in the hospital, homecare, and diagnostic sectors. Innovative technology, ergonomic design, and creative user interfaces characterize high-end systems and enable optimal support for the user in every situation. The success of “Made in Germany” products is based on excellent ideas, many years of experience, foresight, and innovation.

Since Reinhard Lowenstein joined the company in 1986, their core competence has been in the field of neonatology. Today’s core competencies were developed from our expertise and knowledge of neonatology.

In the Hospital division, Lowenstein Medical offers ventilation solutions specifically for newborns, anesthesia equipment, and intensive care ventilators for adults as well as children.

In addition, the Homecare division was developed, which equips patients with supplies who require medical aids in their home environment.

These aids are mainly used for the treatment of lung diseases or sleep-related respiratory disorders.

The third and final division is Diagnostics, which aims to develop and market innovative products for the diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders.

Lowenstein Medical is there for you, from the initial diagnosis to hospitalization to surgery or, homecare. Our focus is on service – in all areas.

You can find more information about the company and its products at:

Workshop Title ICU Mastery: Integrating New Insights into Intensive Care Practice
Date 14 August 2025
Time 0900 – 1800hrs
Venue Singapore EXPO, Meeting Room Level 2, Peridot 203 – 204
Format This advanced review course will combine didactic lectures, case-based discussions, and interactive simulations to ensure active learning and practical application of critical care concepts.
Introduction The ever-evolving field of Critical Care Medicine requires continuous updates and refinement of clinical skills. This full-day ICU Review Course has been meticulously designed to bridge the knowledge gap, prepare fellows for certification exams, and enhance day-to-day ICU management capabilities. We will explore key topics in mechanical ventilation, trauma management, hemodynamic, neurocritical care, sepsis management, and critical care organisation, among others, through a combination of expert-led lectures, case discussions, and interactive simulations.
Objectives Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Master Key Ventilatory Strategies:
    • Optimise mechanical ventilation in patients with unique characteristics.
    • Identify and manage ventilator-associated complications and troubleshoot common issues, including patient ventilator asynchronies.
  2. Enhance Trauma Management Skills:
    • Develop a systematic approach to managing trauma-induced shock and head injuries.
    • Achieve a better understand on management of trauma related coagulopathy.
  3. Refine Hemodynamic Monitoring and Management:
    • Implement advanced techniques for hemodynamic monitoring, including the use of pulmonary artery catheters, echo-guided therapy, and dynamic parameters.
    • Optimise the use of mechanical circulatory devices in shock and managing common complications with these devices.
  4. Strengthen Neurocritical Care Knowledge:
    • Provide evidence-based management of patients with acute neurological emergencies (e.g., ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury).
    • Understand advanced monitoring techniques in neurocritical care.
  5. Master Sepsis Management:
    • Apply the latest guidelines and best practices for sepsis bundle implementation, including antimicrobial stewardship.
  6. Critically Appraise ICU Organisation and Workflow:
    • Optimise ICU team management, including communication and leadership.
    • Develop protocols for efficient ICU rounds and patient flow
Target Participants
  • Critical Care Fellows seeking certification or advancement in intensive care medicine
  • Senior Residents in Anesthesiology, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Surgery and Internal Medicine
  • Advanced Practitioner Nurses or Critical Care Nurses looking for advanced insights into complex care scenarios
Participants Number 30
Lead Faculty (Local) Dr Sewa Duu Wen
Cost per pax SGD 100 – Physicians
SGD 50 – Allied Health
Registration Details This workshop is only available as an add-on to the Main Symposium. Click here to register.

Countdown to APICS 2025

15 – 17 August 2025


15 – 17 August 2025

Singapore EXPO


Kenes MP Asia Pte Ltd

  • Pico Creative Centre, 20 Kallang Avenue, 2nd Floor, Singapore 339411