Time 19 August 2023, Saturday
Hall 404 – Meeting Room 2 Hall 404 – Meeting Room 3
1230 – 1400 In-Conference Workshop:
Mechanical Ventilation
In-Conference Workshop:
Epicardial Pacing & Pacemaker Troubleshooting
Time 20 August 2023, Sunday
Hall 404 – Meeting Room 2 Hall 404 – Meeting Room 3
1100 – 1230 Session: Developments of NCC in Asia Oceania Countries by Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) – SESSION 2
Chair: Prof. Sarah Livesay (United States) – NCS
Dr. Gentle Shrestha (Nepal) – NSCCM
Prof. Yingying Su (China)
Dr. Kapil Zirpe (India) – ISCCM
Dr. Saurabh Anand (India) – ISNACC & NCSI
Prof. Hemanshu Prabhakar (India) – SNCC
Prof. Masao Nagayama (Japan)
Dr. Ji Man Hong (Korea)
Prof. Maria Isabelita C. Rogado (Philippines) – PNCS
Dr. Jo Ann Soliven (Philippines) – Brain RESCUE
Dr. Wong Yu Lin (Singapore) – SICM
1230 – 1330 In-Conference Workshop:
Critical Care Nephrology
Inaugural AGM Chapter of Rapid Response Systems,
[By Invitation Only]
1330 – 1500 The Asian-Oceanic Chapter Regional Meeting of NCS

[By Invitation Only]

Prof. Sarah Livesay (United States) – NCS
Prof. Susan Yeager (United States) – NCS
Dr. Gene Yong Sung (United States) – NCS
Dr. Gentle Shrestha (Nepal) – NSCCM
Prof. Yingying Su (China)
Dr. Kapil Zirpe (India) – ISCCM
Dr. Saurabh Anand (India) – ISNACC & NCSI
Prof. Hemanshu Prabhakar (India) – SNCC
Prof. Masao Nagayama (Japan)
Dr. Ji Man Hong (Korea)
Prof. Maria Isabelita C. Rogado (Philippines) – PNCS
Dr. Jo Ann Soliven (Philippines) – Brain RESCUE
Dr. Wong Yu-Lin (Singapore) – SICM